Old Testament Freedom and Spiritual Liberation

The explanation starts in the Old Testament which offers profound insights into the concept of freedom, with the Israelites serving as early champions of liberation, and there are many parallels between the lives of Moses and Jesus, and their missions intersect`:

Moses and the Exodus:

    • God’s Call: Moses was divinely chosen to lead the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt. His mission was to set them free from bondage.
    • Desert Wanderings: After they escaped from Egypt, the Israelites wandered in the desert for 40 years. During this time, they established the annual Passover Sacrifice, symbolizing their release from Egyptian slavery and seeking forgiveness.
    • God’s Presence: In the desert, God revealed Himself to Moses and his presence dwelt amongst the people in a portable tabernacle.

The Holy of Holies:

    • Promised Land: Eventually, the Israelites reached the promised land and built a temple to house God’s presence.
    • Within the temple was a place called the Holy of Holies, a sacred area accessible only to the High Priest once a year.
    • Curtain Symbolism: A massive curtain separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the temple. This curtain represented the boundary between God’s presence and humanity.

Jesus and Spiritual Freedom:

    • The Messiah: Jesus, the long-awaited Messiah, fulfilled the Israelites’ quest for freedom, but his mission extended beyond physical liberation.
    • Torn Curtain: When Jesus died on the cross, the temple curtain dramatically tore from top to bottom. This signified that God’s presence was no longer confined to a specific place.
    • Universal Sacrifice: Jesus became the ultimate Passover Lamb, sacrificing Himself for the sins of the world. His death brought spiritual freedom to all who believed.

New Temple and Living Stones:

    • High Priest: Jesus now serves as the High Priest, bridging the gap between God and humanity.
    • Indwelling Presence: Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, God’s presence resides not in a physical tabernacle but within the hearts of believers.
    • Living Stones: Each believer becomes a living stone, contributing to the new temple—the Church—where God’s power is in action still today.

In summary, the Old Testament’s freedom fighters foreshadowed Jesus, who leads us to ultimate spiritual freedom. His resurrection defeated darkness, offering genuine freedom, through the holy spirit, to all who embrace Him.

Today, we are the living stones, carrying the gift of God’s Holy Spirit within us, as part of a new temple that transcends physical boundaries