A sermon delivered in August 2024 on Jesus the Bread of Life by Mary Rathbone
Sometimes I look back on my marketing career in the IT industry to see if I can apply any of the techniques we used, to teach people about Jesus today.
One of the main things we were taught was to understand the business needs of potential clients.
With this knowledge, we could then demonstrate features (and associated benefits) of our computers that could be used to fulfil the business needs.
We all Have Various Personal Needs Today too
On top of the basic requirements of work, home, food and company, we need a sense of purpose and belonging.
But I believe there is also something more. A need embedded deeply within us, a subconscious longing for spiritual peace.
Jesus Offers the Peace we Yearn For
I believe that a spark of the divine dwells within each of us, and that it needs to be germinated and nurtured by Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
The blessing of accepting the love and nourishment He offers to all who believe in Him, is the promise of eternal life.
This is something beyond the comprehension of most today, and we (Christians) don’t seem to talk about it much either.
But when I was a child I remember this was often spoken of.
So perhaps we should be shouting it from the rooftops now, to remind others of what is possible for them?
Because all the money, power and status people strive for in the world today will never provide us with anything as remotely precious as eternal life.
The Living Bread of Life That Came Down From Heaven
In St John’s Gospel Jesus said twice ‘I am the Bread of Life’, he added to that ‘ I am the living bread that came down from heaven’
He was alluding to when God fed the Israelites lost in the wilderness Manna (a kind of bread) from heaven.
The Manna kept the Israelites physically alive, but they all died eventually.
However, the bread Jesus offers us today is spiritual nourishment to cultivate and develop our faith and souls.
The Followers were Slow to Understand
Jesus was often asked by his followers for a sign to prove his holiness.
In return, He often complained of how slow they were to understand his mission.
Maybe because they thought the long-awaited Messiah would come as a conquering king to defeat the Romans.
But Jesus wanted them to understand it was not going to be like that because he was humble and gentle.
He came to earth from heaven to fulfil the prophecies and demonstrate how we could reach our full spiritual potential through being like him.
By accepting his sacrifice on the cross so that we might become all that God had made us for.
It’s understandable that the followers were slow to grasp this reality.
They were curious about Jesus, but I can imagine most of them just carried on with their normal way of life with all its trials and tribulations.
Carried on in their small circles of influence, without even considering looking at a broader picture.
Without discovering the reality that Jesus really could bring us out of the darkness into the light of eternal life.
Are We any Different Today Though?
So caught up in the fine details of our busy lives that we often don’t stand back to look at the larger picture.
The picture of God’s plans for us in his eternal kingdom.
When I was busy with my very important career I often did not have five minutes to spare.
My wise old dad would say things like; slow down and smell the roses, Mary.
Or, savour the moments and search for the bigger picture.
I just smiled to myself and thought of how I was far too busy doing important things in my career to take up any of these suggestions.
Opening our Hearts and Minds to Jesus
We are very fortunate to live in a beautiful part of the country, with access to acres of parkland, lakes and forests.
Yet I often see younger people (which means most people nowadays) jogging around the park with iPhones and earplugs attached, seemingly oblivious to the surrounding beauty.
In my mind, I want to shout out, ‘smell the roses, look for the bigger picture’.
But I have no doubt if I were younger, I would also be constantly hooked up to an iPhone and ear plugs.
The thing is Jesus wanted to wake up the minds of the people – both the people of his day and us here today too.
Us who are so often caught up in social media and iPhones with all the misinformation and disinformation generated within.
But Jesus wants to open our hearts and souls to the reality that he was the Messiah. Who was chosen to come from heaven to earth to save us from ourselves.
We are no different today from the earlier followers. So caught up in the business of staying alive that we often miss eternal truths right in front of us.
Reflections on Jesus the Bread of Life
So Jesus, the Bread of Life, offers us blessings and eternal life to fulfil our spiritual needs.
And whilst social media and iPhones can be a curse, they can also be a blessing.
For instance, in the Olympic Games, contestants are not permitted to display any symbols of religion.
But we noticed with astonishment this year, that young men and women were using their Olympic platform to proclaim faith in Jesus.
They had clearly looked at the larger picture and liked what they discovered. Millions will have heard their confessions of faith on social media and through iPhones.
I found these personal expressions of faith, proclaimed on a world platform really encouraging in a time of cultural unrest.
The young Olympians understood the promise of eternal life Jesus offers
Back into the early days of selling computers; we needed to teach our customers how to get the best from the equipment we had sold them.
For many, it was a huge step forward with much trial, error and frustration. But I like to think an eventual acceptance.
So too, by trial, and error (and probable frustration) we slowly draw closer to Jesus, and gradually develop into His likeness.
Because as we draw closer to Christ we begin to experience a;
Spiritual Peace and New Life Today in this World;
as well as the next.
I can testify to the truthfulness of experiencing spiritual peace through Jesus.
Many of you will remember when I joined this church 12 years ago.
I have always had faith in Jesus but it was never confirmed. Then I came here to be confirmed because the stresses of life had ultimately left me in such a poor physical and spiritual state that I thought I did not have long to live.
But many people here supported me and encouraged me to develop in the faith.
I did not think, in my wildest dreams, this would lead me to become a Licensed Minister. I saw no further than confirming my faith before I died.
However, as you can see here I am, still alive, flourishing and preaching.
I now use all the skills from my marketing career, to promote a blog for the wider world in which I write extensively about the hope we all have in Jesus.
And this is quite a different outlook from the one I had 12 years ago.
Today we are probably more fortunate than the followers of Jesus in his time on earth, as we have access to all the records and history of Christ’s ministry.
So despite the disinformation and misinformation around us, and when we encounter the usual trials and tribulations of life.
We can contemplate the larger picture by pondering on the words recorded by the Apostles and saints down the centuries.
Gaining a wider and deeper understanding, of the sure and certain hope Jesus promised, of spiritual nourishment and eternal life.
In a renewed world, where pain and strife will reign no more.