To God be the Glory

to god be the glory

God’s glory can break through when all hope seems lost.

To God be the glory because of His amazing creation and all it contains. Far too many people go about their lives quite unaware of God’s glory in their midst, just taking the beauty and drama surrounding them for granted. But what is God’s glory? 

Well, it is the very essence of who God is. A demonstration of His infinite power within creation. An atmosphere of his presence around us in all we do, who we are, and more particularly pointing us to all we could become.

God’s glory can be seen at its most perfect in the person of Jesus; because he came as a light to the world and illuminates God’s nature.

God created the heavens and earth, the stars and planets, and the entire universe as a platform to display His glory. Every day we are surrounded by his presence in our day-to-day lives, and his glorious ways are always cyclical, and there is always the echo of something more unfolding.

In the skies above, the stars, planets, and galaxies circle. The cycle of clouds, rain, sea, and up to the clouds again is endless. The seasons of the year gently unfold one into another. As a seed dies to itself as it germinates, it also produces an abundance of even more seeds, which then too germinate and multiple. 

God created this world for the most amazing part of his creation, human beings – us. He knew each of us before we were even conceived in our mother’s womb and had a plan for us to glory, in his glory. 

Our part in this is to endeavour to do all we can to allow others to see the glory of God through us. 

We do this by noticing how we excel at some things but not so much at others. Then, recognise our unique gifts and begin using them to bring more glory to God.

We can observe God’s glory through the day-to-day interactions of people around us as they offer kindness, encouragement, hope, and support to us or others. We likewise can demonstrate God’s glory as we do the same.

Animals, particularly pets, can show us God’s glory time and time again in their loyalty, sense of community, devotion, and protective instincts.

If you stop in your tracks right now and pause, I very much doubt that you will not be able to see, hear, smell, taste, or touch something of the glory of God’s creation in your immediate vicinity. 

Maybe it’s the sound of rain pattering down, the smell of bread baking, the taste of your first cup of tea of the day, the warmth of a loved one’s embrace?

From the highest mountain peak and a most beautiful sunset to the slightest glimpse of sky through a tiny window or a wildflower bursting forth from a crack in a road or pavement, the world is flooded with God’s glory for our enjoyment, pleasure, and comfort.

Why not stop now; pause and sense the awe and wonder of God’s creation and His glory around you – be it in sight, sound, touch, taste, or smell. Absorb and wonder at every detail, however slight or vast. 

For example, the intricate network of organisms in the flower peeking through a crack in the road shown above. Against all odds, the seed somehow germinated in the gap of a manmade road and produced a fantastic explosion of colour in an otherwise barren place.

This tiny flower demonstrates God’s glory to us and is also a reminder of how Jesus can offer great hope in situations that seem futile.

You might enjoy this article; Living with Hope in Jesus

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